Thursday, December 4, 2008

Mumbai terror

This was supposed to be a post on the background of MHFC and why the promoters decided to start the company. But events have overtaken us and now the only issue on all our minds is the mindless Mumbai terror strikes. It would be very worrying under any circumstance, but this time it was very close to home. That night, I was at a wedding party at a restaurant a few hundred metres from the Taj. The party turned out to be a godsend for the groom and some of the invitees - they were staying at the Taj and luckily had stepped out. When the first news came in at about 10 pm, we were told that it was a gangland strike at Cafe Leopold. But as further news came in and when the groom's best friend came in with the story that he had come out of the Taj and seen bodies and furniture scattered around, we knew that this was more serious. The restaurant was closed down and we could only get out at 1 a.m (against security advice). We did not leave home for the next 3 days. The only time we stepped out, we had to rush back as we were told that strikes had again started - later turned out to be false rumours. We saw the Taj burn and heard grenade blasts / gunfire sounds for over 2 nights. It was all very tense.

For a survivor's account, see the link below:

Link to BBC site on Mumbai attacks:

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